Concordia Apologetics Conference 2019 - Classical Education
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Concordia Apologetics Conference 2019

Classical Education

Friday, March 29 and Saturday, March 30


Keynote Speakers:  

Dr. Gene Edward Veith, Jr.

Dr. Susan Mobley

Dr. Brian Harries


Breakout Speakers:  

Dr. Angus Menuge, Dr. Gaylund Stone, Dr. Mark Wolf, Dr. Gregory Schulz,

Valerie Locklair, Dr. Gary Locklair, Dr. Paul Strycker


Regular Ticket $50

Student Ticket $8 (high school and other college students)

CUW Faculty/Staff $8

CUW Student Ticket FREE!  (using student ID to swipe for lunch)

Exhibitor Ticket $100  (please email for details)


Conference Schedule 


Friday, March 29

5:00-6:00 PM              Registration

6:00-6:15 PM              Welcome

6:15-7:15 PM              Plenary I - Dr. Gene Edward Veith, Jr. (PH 008)

7:20-8:20 PM              Breakout I

8:30-9:00 PM              Compline (PH 008)


Saturday, March 30

8:00-8:30 AM              Matins

8:30-8:40 AM              Announcements & Words from Sponsors

8:40-9:40 AM              Plenary II - Dr. Susan Mobley and Dr. Brian Harries (PH008)

9:45-10:45 AM            Breakout II

10:55-11:55 AM          Plenary III - Dr. Gene Edward Veith, Jr. (PH 008)

12:00-1:00 PM            Lunch in the Seibert Dining Hall

1:05-2:05 PM              Plenary IV - Dr. Susan Mobley and Dr. Brian Harries (PH008)

2:10-3:10 PM              Breakout III

3:20-3:55 PM              Q & A Panel

4:00 PM                      Prayer & Farewell



This event has been closed.  If you have questions or concerns regarding this event please contact Tina Jacoby at or 262-243-4343.  Thank you!

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Friday, March 29, 2019 5:00 PM - Saturday, March 30, 2019 4:30 PM